Delivers the essential practical skills needed to consult and make sharp, well prepared interactions in a wide range of business situations This comprehensive handbook covers the fundamental skills and attitudes required by successful consultants from novice to practitioner level, irrespective of their specialist area.

It untangles the key variables present in any consulting service and introduces practical ways to improve their effectiveness based upon the author's experience of helping consulting organisations to develop and excel in the marketplace.

The book explores consulting from the ground up' steering away from theory and focusing instead on practical application, providing a solid platform upon which to build further domain-specific competence.

The Consultant's Handbook provides:

* An understanding of the key variables that can be addressed in order to improve one's own consulting performance

* A set of simple practices that can be implemented with immediate benefit to the reader

* Practical insight into day-to-day real life consulting interactions

* Confidence to implement the new ideas and approaches

More Information
ISBN/EAN 9781119106203
Author Samir Parikh
Publisher John Wiley
Publication date 19 Jun 2015
Format Hardback
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The Consultant's Handbook : A Practical Guide to Delivering High-value and Differentiated Services in a Competitive Marketplace

Delivers the essential practical skills needed to consult and make sharp, well prepared interactions in a wide range of business situations This comprehensive handbook covers the fundamental skills and attitudes required by successful consultants from novice to practitioner level, irrespective of their specialist area.

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