This book is about how individuals, families and organisations can respond resiliently to the awesome challenges posed by the Great Recession. The global meltdown of major financial institutions, triggered by the greed and corruption of the 'banksters' and their political collaborators, now threatens the economic security of people everywhere. Ordinary citizens are struggling to weather a storm that doesn't show signs of subsiding anytime soon. "How to Survive the Great Recession" offers an antidote to the fear and worry many are experiencing.

More about the psychology of survival than economics, it shows how individuals and families with the right attitudes can successfully confront current economic challenges while still maintaining a life that has quality and meaning. An easy-to-read guide,, it provides over 40 tips on surviving and thriving in the most difficult economic environment since the Great Recession of the 1930s., addressing critical survival issues such as: why confronting 'the fear itself' is the first step in surviving this recession; what to do about recession-related stress and anxiety; how to stay positive in the face of all the negative economic news; the secrets to building a recession-proof business organization; how to fight back after losing your job; using the recession as an incentive to rethink personal priorities; the benefits of adopting a more frugal lifestyle; and, why it's important to 'keep hope alive'.

This book is built around the belief that while we can't change a single thing that's going on 'out there' we can manage our response. And this book shows how to respond to an economic crisis that none of us were responsible for. Each chapter has commonsense strategies that will uplift your spirit and guarantee future success. Within the covers of this small book, you'll find realistic solutions for making smarter choices and living well in this time of economic turmoil.

More Information
ISBN/EAN 9781905785728
Author Ed Deevy
Publisher Liffey Press
Publication date 18 Sep 2009
Format Paperback
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How to Survive the Great Recession: The Resilient Response

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